Working Together For Michigan Consumers To be Healthy


Top 3 Ways To Become A Doctor in the USA

The most prestigious and most paid profession in the United States is a doctor. Moreover, in many states, a doctor’s salary can go up to $400,000 a year, which is 10 times more than the average salary in America (about…

MCH Second Coalition Meeting: HMP Follow Up

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EVENT DESCRIPTION For more information or how to RSVP follow the link below! Michigan Consumers for Healthcare is holding a coalition meeting on September 16th in Detroit. It is expected that the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services…

Primary Care Access Before and After Healthy Michigan Plan

The news keeps getting better. According to a recent study, access to primary care providers actually increased in Michigan since the implementation of the expansion of Medicaid under the Healthy Michigan Program. The University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy…

Five Years with You

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Written by: Ryan Sullivan, Policy Director at Michigan Consumers for Healthcare We might think of medicine in sterile terms. Disinfectants, wrapped instruments, sterilized environments. Healthcare reform, however, is very messy. And you all know it.This week we celebrate you, the…

Transition in Leadership at Michigan Consumers for Healthcare

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Transition in Leadership at Michigan Consumers for Healthcare Dear Coalition Partners: Don Hazaert stepped down from his role as Director of Michigan Consumers for Healthcare (MCH) effective December 1, 2014. The MCH Board of Directors thanks Don for his years…