Working Together For Michigan Consumers To be Healthy

Category: Media

Thank you to The Union Edge for featuring Eli Isaguirre

Thank you to The Union Edge for featuring Eli Isaguirre, West Michigan Regional Coordinator at Michigan Consumers for Healthcare. The following is his entire interview with The Union Edge. Isaguirre discussed everything from how the Affordable Care Act impacts Michigan to what…

Press Release: Senator, Are You with the Public or the Insurance Lobby?

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Senator, Are You with the Public or the Insurance Lobby? Consumers Do Battle Over Billion Dollar BCBSM “Giveaway” For Immediate Release                                         Contact: Don Hazaert, 734-262-3837 Tuesday, October 16, 2012                                  [email protected] LANSING– Leading state and national consumer advocates will be appearing before…

Press Remarks by Don Hazaert on the Essential Health Benefits

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First, let me thank the members of the press for joining us on this afternoon’s call to discuss the state of Michigan’s recommended benchmark for an Essential Health Benefit plan for the private insurance market in Michigan.  My name is…