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For Michigan citizens the ACA:
- Ensures affordable coverage options for over 1.3 million Michiganders who are uninsured and 459,000 Michiganders who purchase health insurance through the individual market.
- Ensures immediate access to affordable insurance options for as many as 141,753 uninsured Michiganders who have a pre-existing condition.
- Provides tax credits for up to 797,000 Michiganders to help make health insurance more affordable, bringing $12.9 billion in premium and cost-sharing tax credits into Michigan during the first five years of the health insurance Exchange.
- Allows young people to remain covered by their parents’ insurance until age 26, affecting more than 950,000 young adults in Michigan.
- Reduces family health insurance premiums by $1,530 – $2,180 for the same benefits, as compared to what they would be without health reform by 2016.
- Provides more federal funding for 184 Community Health Centers in Michigan.
For Michigan small businesses the ACA:
- Helps to make health insurance coverage for up to 109,000 Michigan small businesses through tax credits for a percentage of their contribution to their employees’ health insurance. Small businesses of the size that qualify for these tax credits employ 515,060 Michiganders.
- Slows the growth rate of health care costs, which will provide businesses with savings that can be used to hire additional workers. For Michigan, this could mean 8,300 to 13,300 new jobs each year.
For Michigan Medicare beneficiaries the ACA:
- Gives 279,000 Michigan seniors that hit the Medicare Part D “donut hole”, or gap in their prescription drug coverage, a $250 check and completely close the “donut hole” by 2020.
- Provides1.6 million Medicare beneficiaries in Michigan with a free annual wellness visit and no cost-sharing for prevention services.
- Lowers Medicare costs for the 1.2 million Michigan seniors not enrolled in Medicare Advantage by as much as $45 in premium costs each year.
Information and data from