General operating support funders include:
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
“The mission of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is to improve the health and health care of all Americans. Our goal is clear: To help our society transform itself for the better.”
As the nation’s largest philanthropy devoted solely to the public’s health, we have a unique capability and responsibility to confront the most pressing health and health care problems threatening our society. Our efforts focus on improving both the health of everyone in America, and their health care—how it’s delivered, how it’s paid for, and how well it does for patients and their families. As we invest in improving systems through which people receive care and in fostering environments that promote health and prevent disease and injury, we expect to achieve comprehensive, meaningful and timely change.
Kresge Foundation
“Creating opportunity for low-income people is a hallmark of our work at The Kresge Foundation,” says President Rip Rapson. “Our programs reflect the inflection points where we think we can actually make a difference in the life trajectories of people who are poor, disadvantaged or underserved in fundamental ways.”
The Kresge Foundation is a $3.1 billion private, national foundation headquartered in Metropolitan Detroit, in the suburb community of Troy. The goals and aspirations of seven narrowly defined programs guide its grantmaking and investing.
In 2010, the Board of Trustees approved 481 awards totaling $158 million; $134 million was paid out to grantees over the course of the year.
Nokomis Foundation
“Nokomis Foundation creates a stronger voice for women and girls by beinga stronger voice for women and girls.”
Nokomis Foundation combines thought and action to advocate for women and their families. As a funder, we value creativity and experimentation. We invest in innovation and in proven solutions. As a feminist organization, we study emerging issues affecting women and their families and engage with a network of partners, colleagues and communities to share knowledge and extend our impact.
Families USA
Families USA is a national nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to the achievement of high-quality, affordable health care for all Americans. Working at the national, state, and community levels, we have earned a national reputation as an effective voice for health care consumers for 25 years.