Guest Blog: Why the Affordable Care Act makes it better for Small Business Owners
There are some loud voices out there, demanding the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but I don’t think they realize what a disaster that would be for the Nation. The fact of the matter is that the Affordable Care Act will decrease the deficit by more than $140 billion dollars. Repealing the law would then burden the nation with an even larger deficit. Recent congressional rules in fact prevent actions that would add to the deficit, eliminating the numerous cost saving and efficiency enhancing provisions the law contains would certainly add to the deficit.
At the local level the ACA has provided small business here in Michigan with confidence they need to hire more workers. For example at a recent small business forum MCH held, I learned that an Ann Arbor area business man named Mark Hodesh, owner of Downtown Home and Garden hired a new employee because of the $ 15,000 dollar tax credit he received through the ACA. So I would ask that those who demand repeal of this great law think hard about what that would really mean: A higher deficit and less jobs in our local economy.