Congressman Dingell Comments on Essential Health Benefits Bulletin
Congressman John Dingell and other Democratic leaders of the House Committees with jurisdiction over health policy sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in response to the Administration’s bulletin on how to define the Essential Health Benefits (EHB) package, which all insurers in the individual and small group market will be required to offer.
In the letter, the members write, “Without very careful protections, we have serious concerns about delegating the decision for the EHB to the States and providing even further discretion to insurers.”
In addition, the members raised concerns about the Administration’s suggestion that insurers be allowed to deviate from the benchmark plan with substitution. They wrote, “Allowing such flexibility will return the health insurance marketplace to one in which consumers cannot meaningfully compare plan choice. Furthermore, it provides insurers with the tools they need to continue avoiding sicker individuals rather than competing on quality and efficiency.”
Reps. Henry A. Waxman, Sandy Levin, George Miller, Frank Pallone, Jr., Pete Stark, Robert E. Andrews, and John D. Dingell, the lead authors of healthcare reform, signed the letter to Secretary Sebelius.
To read the full letter click here.