Working Together For Michigan Consumers To be Healthy


MCH Membership Benefits

There is currently no fee for consumers or non-profit agencies to join the MCH coalition.   Benefits to coalition membership include:

  • Access to a variety of Michigan’s leading experts in the area of health reform, consumer outreach and engagement.
  • Access to MCH’s nationwide partner network of consumer health agencies.
  • The opportunity to collaborate, coordinate and share resources in efforts to promote greater access, affordability, transparency and quality in care for consumers in Michigan.
  • The opportunity to participate on MCH workgroup committees.
  • Access to free trainings on the Affordable Care Act for your staff and stakeholders.
  • Printed materials related to the ACA or consumer health.
  • Access to MCH webinars.
  • A united voice to ensure that consumers are at the table in making healthcare policy decisions across the state.

You agency may enroll as a Coalition member by completing the coalition engagement form.  Individual consumers may enroll as a consumer advocate by signing up for our coalition newsletter.

Download Membership Application Form