Working Together For Michigan Consumers To be Healthy

Guest Blog: Disability Community and the New Healthcare Exchange

Recently, I had the privilege of speaking at the Wayne County Regional Interagency Consumer Council Disability Summit. Nearly a hundred persons with disabilities were in attendance and I was awed by the strength of spirit in that room. They were very clear about what they want to see implemented in Michigan’s healthcare reform. They want an exchange that is responsive to their needs. They do not want a web only approach that is difficult for those with visual or hearing disabilities to use. They want pre existing conditions forever barred from preventing a person from being insured. They want health care access that is accessible! Transportation is often a large barrier for them so the growth of the health care system must take into account those who do not have regular access to a car or may be in a wheelchair. Most importantly they want a healthcare system that seems them for who they are not just as their disabilities. They want to live independently and with dignity and if implemented correctly the ACA will help them to do that.

Guest Blogger: Steven Hernandez

Category: Healthcare