Working Together For Michigan Consumers To be Healthy

Detroit Community Conversation with DPTV

Start Date:
September 21, 2011 – 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Peoples United Methodist Church on 19370 Greenfield Road, Detroit MI 48235

A series of six community conversations will be held throughout the state to discuss healthcare reform as it pertains to Michigan consumers. The community conversations are cosponsored by the Michigan Consumers for Healthcare and Detroit Public Television and will be held in Detroit, West Bloomfield, Mount Pleasant, Grand Rapids, Traverse City and Marquette.

The first two forums in the series will be held in Southeast Michigan beginning the evening of Wednesday, September 21st from 7–9pm at the Peoples United Methodist Church, 19370 Greenfield Road, Detroit. The second event in the series will be held Thursday, September 22 from 7-9pm at Jewish Family Services, 6555 West Maple, West Bloomfield.

MCH and Detroit Public Television are partnering in this endeavor to help educate and inform the public as to the challenges and opportunities that healthcare reform brings.

Category: Events